
Read only hooks should generally run only after write hooks.

Rules for editing this document

  • Only add a dependency once, i.e. if styler must run before roxygen, add the requirement to styler or roxygen, not both. This makes keeping track easier.
  • The hooks must appear in an order that meets all constraints, not just randomly order constraints.

Hooks with dependencies

Read and write

  • style-files - caches; should run before roxygenize because of the caching
  • roxygenize - caches
  • codemeta-description-updated - must be before use-tidy-description
  • use-tidy-description
  • spell-check - updates inst/WORDLIST (unless --read-only arg is specified); should run after roxygenize

Read only

  • lintr - should run after styler
  • readme-rmd-rendered - must run after styler
  • parsable-R
  • no-browser-statement
  • no-print-statement
  • no-debug-statement
  • deps-in-desc
  • pkgdown